(Click to enlarge and view details)
Assignment: (First draft of mash up #2)
The main objective for week six was to create a image, with the help of the pictures that we have taken and Photoshop, to convey a message to our audience.
Craft: (How did I do it?)
I started with all the photos I taken during week five. I looked at all of them and picked out certain ones that I liked and would fit well in the composition of my image. The background of my piece was a large photo of a face. Before I chose the specific picture I opened Photoshop and made a new blank document. I chose a 11X17 page with 300 resolution. Then I imported the background picture and sized it accordingly. Next, I started to cut out the images I wanted to put in my picture. I mostly used the magic wand tool to select the little worker people. I also used the mask to make sure I selected everything I wanted. I did the same thing for all four mini people. Then I imported all of them onto the background and resized them. After I placed them were I wanted them to be I added shadows on all of them to make it look more realistic. Then I started working on the highlights of the face by making each aspect a new layer. This gave me the ability to move the layer around on the background image as well as not make permanent marks on the background layer. These are most of the techniques I used to complete my first draft.
Composition: (Arrangement of elements)
The main element of the image, at first, is the large right side of a face. As you look closer you are able to see little mini beauty workers fixing certain areas of this persons face. There is one changing the eye color, one covering up a pimple, one applying blush, and one whiting the persons teeth. All of the little workers are in different parts of the face so that they all can be easily seen and what they are doing can be easily understood. I chose 11X17 paper size so that these workers could be seen in detail and would not be overlooked.
Concept: (What am I trying to say?)
This images entitled, "Beauty of the Future," was created as a response to all of the new and sometimes controversial ideas of beauty enhancement. With all of the new technology and scientific discoveries how far will people go to change themselves? Will at one point individuals put super small organisms on there face to look make them look good? How far is too far? These are the issues and thoughts are what I want this very image to raise.